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penis Question & Answer

To some people size does matter. Some folks claim to only enjoy playing with people with large penises (these folks are called size queens). In general, people will make you think size matters. But there's also too big. One of my students told me there's a such thing in the gay community as Goldilocks dick which is just right.

Lots of messages in media and culture say a penis should be rock hard, 12 inches long, and last all night. This sh!tty messaging is damaging to everyone. Most penis owners will NOT size up to that standard and put a lot of pressure on themselves to try (getting very concerned when they hit their 30's and start to see changes in arousal and response occurring).

I think a penis owner who knows what to do with more than just their penis is more fun to play with. That's what leads to the most satisfaction for me.

Educate yourself about the things you can do with other parts of your body (mouth, breath, fingers, tongue, etc) and watch the satisfaction of your partner soar.

Published Date : 3/24/2019

To some people size does matter. Some folks claim to only enjoy playing with people with large penises (these folks are called size queens). In general, people will make you think size matters. But there's also too big. One of my students told me there's a such thing in the gay community as Goldilocks dick which is just right.

Lots of messages in media and culture say a penis should be rock hard, 12 inches long, and last all night. This sh!tty messaging is damaging to everyone. Most penis owners will NOT size up to that standard and put a lot of pressure on themselves to try (getting very concerned when they hit their 30's and start to see changes in arousal and response occurring).

I think a penis owner who knows what to do with more than just their penis is more fun to play with. That's what leads to the most satisfaction for me.

Educate yourself about the things you can do with other parts of your body (mouth, breath, fingers, tongue, etc) and watch the satisfaction of your partner soar.

Published Date : 3/24/2019

You can try to think of other things. Baseball. Grandparents. Snow.

But keep in mind - getting an erection isn't always in your control. It's embarrassing in the moment for some but remember: it's not the end of the world. In fact, a few days later hopefully you are laughing about it too. Our bodies can be silly and erections out of context are sometimes funny.

Published Date : 8/4/2018

You can try to think of other things. Baseball. Grandparents. Snow.

But keep in mind - getting an erection isn't always in your control. It's embarrassing in the moment for some but remember: it's not the end of the world. In fact, a few days later hopefully you are laughing about it too. Our bodies can be silly and erections out of context are sometimes funny.

Published Date : 8/4/2018

Simply put, It's a myth that your dick should be rock hard and go all night.

Lots of penis owners can maintain an erection for a long time? when they're young. Life has a different plan and developing the understanding that dick hardness comes and goes like waves of an ocean is essential.

Factors that can impact your dick can range from

mental/psychological (shit happens in life, work, relationship, family stress, etc can take you out of the moment) to

physiological (hormone balance, diet, exercise, drug use - Pharma and recreational, etc) to

somatic (body image, how you feel in your body) to

relational issues (resentment, anger, unvoiced issues with your partner, etc) to

emotional (depression, anxiety, etc)

and on and on and on. Young folks don't even think about most of that stuff.

So your question is too broad to give you a personalized answer. Best to seek out someone to help. Like a physician, sex coach, or therapist.

Published Date : 4/11/2020

Simply put, It's a myth that your dick should be rock hard and go all night.

Lots of penis owners can maintain an erection for a long time? when they're young. Life has a different plan and developing the understanding that dick hardness comes and goes like waves of an ocean is essential.

Factors that can impact your dick can range from

mental/psychological (shit happens in life, work, relationship, family stress, etc can take you out of the moment) to

physiological (hormone balance, diet, exercise, drug use - Pharma and recreational, etc) to

somatic (body image, how you feel in your body) to

relational issues (resentment, anger, unvoiced issues with your partner, etc) to

emotional (depression, anxiety, etc)

and on and on and on. Young folks don't even think about most of that stuff.

So your question is too broad to give you a personalized answer. Best to seek out someone to help. Like a physician, sex coach, or therapist.

Published Date : 4/11/2020

Pick positions where she *isn't* riding you until you feel less fear. There are so many to choose from. You don't have to have her ride you.

Alternatively, if her riding you is a thing you must have every time, try to keep the rhythm slow and steady. Perhaps even control the thrust by holding her hips. Just don't have her bounce quickly.

And stop watching videos or looking at pictures on the internet of a penis breaking. Edited to add: you know there's no bone inside the penis to break, right?

Published Date : 7/30/2020

Pick positions where she *isn't* riding you until you feel less fear. There are so many to choose from. You don't have to have her ride you.

Alternatively, if her riding you is a thing you must have every time, try to keep the rhythm slow and steady. Perhaps even control the thrust by holding her hips. Just don't have her bounce quickly.

And stop watching videos or looking at pictures on the internet of a penis breaking. Edited to add: you know there's no bone inside the penis to break, right?

Published Date : 7/30/2020

A woman can feel excitement or revulsion or nothing at all when seeing a man's penis, it all depends upon the circumstances. If you're wondering if sending a dick pic to a woman will excite her, do not send it unless she asks you for it. Sending women a picture of your penis without her consent could have many consequences - good or bad. Ever heard the stories where some guys end up with their mothers contacted by the women they sent the pictures to? Other guys end up in a massive collection of dick pics and land on cupcakes as edible photos in an end-of-semester final project in a sex ed class. You never know. If you?re with a woman who is attracted to the people attached to penises, and you're in the moment getting ready to have sex, then she might be excited to see your penis. You could also ask how she feels. If she likes to talk dirty then maybe she'll have some fun here. Bottom line, if you don't know your target audience, it will be tough to predict how she will feel.

Published Date : 7/6/2018

A woman can feel excitement or revulsion or nothing at all when seeing a man's penis, it all depends upon the circumstances. If you're wondering if sending a dick pic to a woman will excite her, do not send it unless she asks you for it. Sending women a picture of your penis without her consent could have many consequences - good or bad. Ever heard the stories where some guys end up with their mothers contacted by the women they sent the pictures to? Other guys end up in a massive collection of dick pics and land on cupcakes as edible photos in an end-of-semester final project in a sex ed class. You never know. If you?re with a woman who is attracted to the people attached to penises, and you're in the moment getting ready to have sex, then she might be excited to see your penis. You could also ask how she feels. If she likes to talk dirty then maybe she'll have some fun here. Bottom line, if you don't know your target audience, it will be tough to predict how she will feel.

Published Date : 7/6/2018