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pregnancy Question & Answer

No. Not at all. It's your body.

Isn't this the same messaging we want to give our kids? That no one should touch them either Same thing.

Published Date : 10/17/2018

No. Not at all. It's your body.

Isn't this the same messaging we want to give our kids? That no one should touch them either Same thing.

Published Date : 10/17/2018

No. Typically genetically male boys do not possess the internal plumbing to gestate babies (ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus) AND the internal plumbing required for spermatogenesis (the hardware that produces sperm - testicles, epididymus, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, etc). But there are rare instances of intersex babies having one ovary and one testes. ?True hermaphroditism, a rare and usually sporadic disorder, is defined as the coexistence of seminiferous tubules and ovarian follicles. Most patients have an ovotestis with either an ovary or a testis on the opposite side; a gonad in the scrotum is usually a testis but may be an ovotestis.? Disorders of Sexual Development It?s very very rare for both sets of the internal reproductive organs to fully develop. My understanding is the SRY gene (key during that point in the in-uterine development for sexual differentiation) is missing or dormant and so the development of the internal reproductive organs follows more the ?female? route. Here is a fast, less than 2 minute clip about sexual differentiation in utero. Hope this helps.

Published Date : 7/18/2018

No. Typically genetically male boys do not possess the internal plumbing to gestate babies (ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus) AND the internal plumbing required for spermatogenesis (the hardware that produces sperm - testicles, epididymus, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, etc). But there are rare instances of intersex babies having one ovary and one testes. ?True hermaphroditism, a rare and usually sporadic disorder, is defined as the coexistence of seminiferous tubules and ovarian follicles. Most patients have an ovotestis with either an ovary or a testis on the opposite side; a gonad in the scrotum is usually a testis but may be an ovotestis.? Disorders of Sexual Development It?s very very rare for both sets of the internal reproductive organs to fully develop. My understanding is the SRY gene (key during that point in the in-uterine development for sexual differentiation) is missing or dormant and so the development of the internal reproductive organs follows more the ?female? route. Here is a fast, less than 2 minute clip about sexual differentiation in utero. Hope this helps.

Published Date : 7/18/2018

No. A girl cannot get pregnant if only the lips on her face touch the lips on his face. Being completely clothed also helps.

For a woman to get pregnant it requires a couple things; a person who menstruates and a person who creates sperm. To get pregnant, the sperm from a man must meet the egg of a woman. Usually this is done via penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse but it can be done using just the two ingredients in a lab.

Having your period means the uterine lining your body has created to receive a fertilized egg is shedding out of your body. It takes the next roughly 28 days to make and shed another ?nest? the next month.

If you are just putting your lips together then you?re fine, it doesn?t matter what time in your cycle.

Published Date : 8/3/2018

No. A girl cannot get pregnant if only the lips on her face touch the lips on his face. Being completely clothed also helps.

For a woman to get pregnant it requires a couple things; a person who menstruates and a person who creates sperm. To get pregnant, the sperm from a man must meet the egg of a woman. Usually this is done via penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse but it can be done using just the two ingredients in a lab.

Having your period means the uterine lining your body has created to receive a fertilized egg is shedding out of your body. It takes the next roughly 28 days to make and shed another ?nest? the next month.

If you are just putting your lips together then you?re fine, it doesn?t matter what time in your cycle.

Published Date : 8/3/2018

The testicles are where spermatogenesis begins. If a man has no testicles, nor any sperm of his own saved up in a sperm bank, then with current science it won't be possible for him to contribute his genetic material to a child.

HOWEVER, a man can BE a Father to a child. Being a father means different things to different people but mostly it's being there for the child's development. Lots of times he provides support emotionally, sometimes financially, sometimes guiding spiritually, but unconditional love and acceptance is paramount.

Published Date : 10/24/2018

The testicles are where spermatogenesis begins. If a man has no testicles, nor any sperm of his own saved up in a sperm bank, then with current science it won't be possible for him to contribute his genetic material to a child.

HOWEVER, a man can BE a Father to a child. Being a father means different things to different people but mostly it's being there for the child's development. Lots of times he provides support emotionally, sometimes financially, sometimes guiding spiritually, but unconditional love and acceptance is paramount.

Published Date : 10/24/2018

Yes, a woman can get pregnant when the man orgasms inside her vagina even if she did not orgasm. His ejaculate contains sperm which is half of the essential ingredients for making a baby (her ovum or egg is the other). But to give a really complete answer, I'd need answers to the three things you failed to mention: 1. Where do you mean inside her? ? (mouth, anus, vagina)? 2. Men can orgasm without ejaculating - did semen come out of his penis, or did he only orgasm? (these two are separate processes and typically only men who have practiced this skill know how to do this) 3. You did not mention was if a condom or some other form of contraception/birth control was involved. Used properly, that's what would prevent an unwanted or accidental pregnancy. As an aside, you're describing what seems to be typical heterosexual intercourse? for many. One partner, typically the male, finishes first and then some women masturbate afterwards to have their orgasm. The message of she comes first hasn't reached the masses because we don't teach pleasure in sex ed. Many women (~70%) don't orgasm through penis-in-vagina intercourse alone. Lots of women enjoy clitoral stimulation simultaneously with the penetrative act.

Published Date : 7/6/2018

Yes, a woman can get pregnant when the man orgasms inside her vagina even if she did not orgasm. His ejaculate contains sperm which is half of the essential ingredients for making a baby (her ovum or egg is the other). But to give a really complete answer, I'd need answers to the three things you failed to mention: 1. Where do you mean inside her? ? (mouth, anus, vagina)? 2. Men can orgasm without ejaculating - did semen come out of his penis, or did he only orgasm? (these two are separate processes and typically only men who have practiced this skill know how to do this) 3. You did not mention was if a condom or some other form of contraception/birth control was involved. Used properly, that's what would prevent an unwanted or accidental pregnancy. As an aside, you're describing what seems to be typical heterosexual intercourse? for many. One partner, typically the male, finishes first and then some women masturbate afterwards to have their orgasm. The message of she comes first hasn't reached the masses because we don't teach pleasure in sex ed. Many women (~70%) don't orgasm through penis-in-vagina intercourse alone. Lots of women enjoy clitoral stimulation simultaneously with the penetrative act.

Published Date : 7/6/2018

Yes, a young girl can get pregnant.

Usually a first indicator of fertility is a menstrual period. About 10% of girls can get their periods as early as 9 years old these days. But if she is raped or otherwise the target of unwanted sexual attention and hasn?t yet had her period, it?s possible she can get pregnant if her body is ready to begin.

But getting pregnant at this age is a terrible idea in my opinion. We need to protect them from going through such experiences at this young age. Let them have their childhood.

Published Date : 8/3/2018

Yes, a young girl can get pregnant.

Usually a first indicator of fertility is a menstrual period. About 10% of girls can get their periods as early as 9 years old these days. But if she is raped or otherwise the target of unwanted sexual attention and hasn?t yet had her period, it?s possible she can get pregnant if her body is ready to begin.

But getting pregnant at this age is a terrible idea in my opinion. We need to protect them from going through such experiences at this young age. Let them have their childhood.

Published Date : 8/3/2018

If you had unprotected intercourse the day before you ovulated, then yes. The idea is sperm need to meet egg and the sperm survive for a few days on the inside, sometimes laying in wait in the uterus or Fallopian tubes for the egg to come strolling along.

I wouldn't think though that pain would be an indicator of being pregnant. A bit of pain in your abdomen could also be something else.

You could be feeling what is called Mittelschmerz? - which literally translates to middle pain? It's the result of your ovary expelling an egg. Some say it feels like a twinge, others a dull ache. Some women feel this every month from opposite sides each month. Other women don?t notice at all.

If you think you're pregnant, in a few weeks you can do a pregnancy test to see for sure. If the pain is in your abdomen and not off to one side, or if it persists, it may be something other than Mittelschmerz. Best to go see a doctor to get yourself checked out to be sure.

Published Date : 10/31/2018

If you had unprotected intercourse the day before you ovulated, then yes. The idea is sperm need to meet egg and the sperm survive for a few days on the inside, sometimes laying in wait in the uterus or Fallopian tubes for the egg to come strolling along.

I wouldn't think though that pain would be an indicator of being pregnant. A bit of pain in your abdomen could also be something else.

You could be feeling what is called Mittelschmerz? - which literally translates to middle pain? It's the result of your ovary expelling an egg. Some say it feels like a twinge, others a dull ache. Some women feel this every month from opposite sides each month. Other women don?t notice at all.

If you think you're pregnant, in a few weeks you can do a pregnancy test to see for sure. If the pain is in your abdomen and not off to one side, or if it persists, it may be something other than Mittelschmerz. Best to go see a doctor to get yourself checked out to be sure.

Published Date : 10/31/2018

Can you get pregnant from what you described? Sure. Not using a condom, not taking your bc pill according to instructions, ejaculate on your vulva (not to mention, there's always the possibility of semen in the pre-cum), it's possible.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then use protection/birth control at all times.

Published Date : 12/23/2019

Can you get pregnant from what you described? Sure. Not using a condom, not taking your bc pill according to instructions, ejaculate on your vulva (not to mention, there's always the possibility of semen in the pre-cum), it's possible.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then use protection/birth control at all times.

Published Date : 12/23/2019

Thank you for the A2A

You didn't specify which day or days you had intercourse nor did you say if you used any form of birth control.

You know what, Just assume yes, there is always a possibility to get pregnant if you are engaging in penis in vagina intercourse and you're not using a condom or any birth control.

While the risk of pregnancy is highest when you ovulate, there is just no way to be certain you won't be that one time so get empowered to protect yourself.

If you're having sex with a penis owner they literally could care less if you get pregnant. They're not the ones who potentially have to carry a baby for 9 months. You have to be responsible and protect you, your body, and your future.

They're the ones who want to have sex with you so begin to set the rules and boundaries you will accept for sexual interactions.

You want a condom Insist on it.

They don't want to wear one? You can find someone who will.

You don't want to have intercourse and would prefer to do something else? Speak up and say what you are and are not willing to do. You don't have to do what he says if you don't want to. Know this, you have more say than you probably realize.

My advice? Go talk to your doctor about north control and research one that works for you. Learn how to use birth control efficiently and effectively. Perhaps combine a couple forms that make sense to protect yourself from both STIs and pregnancy. Educate yourself about the combinations that dont work, for example, the condom for a penis and the internal condom; Those two should not be used together.

Again, if you're asking a question like this then you're engaging in risky behavior. Use the new knowledge and minimize the risk.

Published Date : 8/15/2020

Thank you for the A2A

You didn't specify which day or days you had intercourse nor did you say if you used any form of birth control.

You know what, Just assume yes, there is always a possibility to get pregnant if you are engaging in penis in vagina intercourse and you're not using a condom or any birth control.

While the risk of pregnancy is highest when you ovulate, there is just no way to be certain you won't be that one time so get empowered to protect yourself.

If you're having sex with a penis owner they literally could care less if you get pregnant. They're not the ones who potentially have to carry a baby for 9 months. You have to be responsible and protect you, your body, and your future.

They're the ones who want to have sex with you so begin to set the rules and boundaries you will accept for sexual interactions.

You want a condom Insist on it.

They don't want to wear one? You can find someone who will.

You don't want to have intercourse and would prefer to do something else? Speak up and say what you are and are not willing to do. You don't have to do what he says if you don't want to. Know this, you have more say than you probably realize.

My advice? Go talk to your doctor about north control and research one that works for you. Learn how to use birth control efficiently and effectively. Perhaps combine a couple forms that make sense to protect yourself from both STIs and pregnancy. Educate yourself about the combinations that dont work, for example, the condom for a penis and the internal condom; Those two should not be used together.

Again, if you're asking a question like this then you're engaging in risky behavior. Use the new knowledge and minimize the risk.

Published Date : 8/15/2020

I'm not clear on what you're trying to describe - 1st week of the patch? with the fourth week off??? I see ?consistent? and that is always good but the rest isn't clear.

If you are using the patch according to your physician's instructions, then it's not likely, BUT, it's always *possible* - usually because of user error and/or not following instructions.

That said, if you ever want to give yourself extra protection when you are using the patch, then use a condom or internal condom as well.

Published Date : 9/2/2020

I'm not clear on what you're trying to describe - 1st week of the patch? with the fourth week off??? I see ?consistent? and that is always good but the rest isn't clear.

If you are using the patch according to your physician's instructions, then it's not likely, BUT, it's always *possible* - usually because of user error and/or not following instructions.

That said, if you ever want to give yourself extra protection when you are using the patch, then use a condom or internal condom as well.

Published Date : 9/2/2020

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